SATURDAY, FEB. 23, 2019
Coin Investment Exercise Results
We asked residents to distribute eight coins into eight categories based on how important each was to them. They could distribute the coins however they wished, indicating their level of support for investment in an area by the number of coins put into the box.
We also conducted this activity at the September 2018 event, which we can compare to the Feb. 23 to look at change over time. The graph below shows what percentage of total votes each category received at each event. Comparing the results allows us to see if residents' top priorities have changed.
The results indicate that three categories received increased "investment": Education, Health, and Transportation. Five categories declined: employment/income, housing, police/fire, retail/shopping, and recreation. Much of the overall change was marginal, by just a few percentage points. Larger change was seen in Employment/Income, Education, and Transportation.
Breakout Sessions:
Solution Brainstorming
Building upon the work of previous community planning sessions, the planning team actively engaged participants to identify and prioritize solutions for the community’s most pressing concerns.
The goals of the events were to
Provide community members the opportunity to problem solve and ideate together,
Focus on strategy development for priority areas, and
Determine the resources and people that would need to be engaged in order to make their strategies a reality.